Thursday, November 20, 2008

presentation of lesson plan

Ok so I would like to evaluate myself on how I taught on tuesday. I though I did ok, I am not trying to be hard on myself but I know I could've been better prepared. I wanted it to be a fun activity, but for one the puppets fell apart, yes I should've had better glue but then again the best glue could've been hot glue "you cant let kids use that." I felt I was really time pressured, that kind of had me upset, I actually wanted to read at least two stories discuss the stories, like ask the students some questions, and then do the puppets, then have atleast two students present their puppet and short story. But obviously none of that went through, so I guess that was what through me off a little. In the evaluations, someone did say that I should've discussed the story with the class, they were so right! I also was nervous especially becuase of the cards, how was everyone going to act?, surprisingly not many did anything. The class was so quiet, I thought to myself, why isn't this lesson like everyone else's lesson. It is true missing two classmates can make a difference. Someone had said that because I was so serious, the students took me seriously, so I guess thats why it was so quiet. I don't want to be a serious teacher all the time I would like to be fun too, but I rather the students take me seriously and respect me then not take me seriously and disrespect me. I'd like to thank everyone for their fair evaluations, they would definately help me in the long run.


Wendy said...

I loved your idea of the puppets to teach fables. I think children would definitely love creating puppets in the classroom. Well, yes a single student can change the dynamic of the classroom, and that was proved when you taught your lesson.

Dr. Luongo said...

Perceptive reflection, Janira!

What is one thing you will do the next time you teach this lesson? This is a question I ask myself every time I teach any lesson. There is ALWAYS something you can improve on.

Your lesson was very good. You should be proud :)!

Kristina said...

Hi Janira!
I think you did a great job with your lesson. I liked the idea of using puppets with the assignment. This would help those who need to use their sense of touch or have a visual representation available when learning. I also think they would enjoy keeping them and using them at home or with their friends! I know how it feels to have an entire plan set out to teach and then have it fall apart in some areas. The main thing is you learned from your experience and will prepared to do better next time. =)

Jaclyn said... are Jen and I being singled out as the "troubled ones" during the lessons? I hope not!